Hi i'm doing a full Si conversion to my 1999 Taffeta White honda civic Ex, i mean like everything..i already got the Spoiler, fog lights, lip, seats, grill, and cluster... I'm just waiting for a B16A2 swap....but once i do the swap i was thinking about putting on the Si emblem and DOHC Vtec Decals on the sides that come stock on about half the SI's....I love the way the Si emblem and the DOHC decals look...but i don't really want people to think i'm "ricing" it and just putting an emblem on the Civic without actually making it like an SI...cuz almost everything in it well be SI cept like the brakes and struts lol but what would you or people in general think since Theres no white 1999-2000 honda civic Si's unless your in Canada...but then thats an Ex in the US really.....i know a lot of people tell me go with what i like since its my car but i value peoples opinions...and i just don't want everyone around me really criticizing me for putting the emblem on it without any actual SI parts....its like what if someone painted an SI white lol? how come thats ok?
well any input and opinions/advice is greatly appreciated! and 10 points to best answer!